Low impact workouts do not require any additional equipment; however, some equipment might aid in supporting muscle tone and strengthening the tendons around an individual's joints. As shown on Goop, B the Method pilates workouts can be practiced without any equipment, but suggests the use of a stability ball, ankle weights and yoga mat to provide focus, comfort and intensity. Other equipment options include light-weight dumbbells, a resistance or loop band and grip socks. These are often used in barre, but can also be used to increase intensity for body weight exercises. The Barre Alley website provides many useful alternatives if an individual is not ready to purchase the suggested equipment. If an individual is looking to raise internal body temperature during a workout, an effective piece of equipment is a waist trimmer. Though controversial, the waist trimmer provides comfortable back support, burns calories at a faster rate and serves as a reminder to maintain a healthy diet, as stated by ActiveGear.
There are many low cost equipment options to elevate the intensity of a low impact workout. Some of the equipment options include a kettlebell, light weight dumbbells, a foam roller, a medicine ball and fitness sliders. Each of these can be used for different styles of workouts, but increase the overall effectiveness when the goal is muscle tone and strengthening or weight loss. Read more about each of these equipment options on the U.S. News website.